Thursday, December 2, 2010

Organic Gift for the Hostess

Just wanted to let you know about a great little organic gift basket we put together for the holidays. It has three items: Ginger Vanilla Bath and Body Oil, Pumpkin Cocoa Body Butter, and a bar of handmade organic soap. We've made it easy for you because it's wrapped in a recyclable container, ready to go.

Enjoy the season,

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Taking Care of Skin From the Inside Out

Fall and Winter have arrived, and suddenly we are looking for the bottle of lotion to throw into the purse. We need to add extra moisture daily to fight off the itchy dryness that comes along with heated cars, lower humidity, and frosty temps. There are some things your body needs in the colder weather, so here are a few tips:

1. Stay Hydrated. Our bodies are made up of 70% water and our skin, the largest organ, can weigh up to 8 pounds! Purchase a water bottle that holds the amount of water you wish to drink each day. Try to drink the water slowly through out the day. If you don't drink it all, don't try to chug it at the end of the day. This will allow you to easily see how much water you are consuming.

2. Eat Healthy Fats and Oils. Use oils that are rich in Omega 3's like extra virgin olive oil and eat foods with concentrated sources of omega-3 fats like avocados, walnuts, flaxseeds, beans, fish, and winter squash.

3. Change up Your Cosmetics and Cleansers. Avoid products containing petroleum based alcohol, which is very drying to the skin and hair on contact. Read and become familiar with ingredients! Replace household cleaners with healthier alternatives such as baking soda, lemon juice, vinegar, and tea tree oil.

4. Have a Home Spa Party. Light a few candles and put on some relaxing music. Take a nice warm bath (water too hot can dry out skin) and add in rich oils and herbal detoxifiers like BATH OIL and BATH TEA rather than soaps or bubble bath. After bathing, apply SOFT to your hands or feet. Slip plastic bags over and cover with a woven glove or socks.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Great Gifts to take to China

Interesting article in the LA Times this weekend re: Chinese needing special and unique gifts to take to CHINA!

The problem it seems, is that most of what we have here is made in China, so preferably homemade, handmade, high quality items, made in the USA, are the most esteemed for gift giving. The Chinese are such gift givers and they can really stress over this several months before they even walk on the plane!

So here's a great idea... Buy a Learn to Love it Kit! At only $38, it includes five great products in smaller sizes, and a made in the USA bamboo wash cloth. For Grama, we would suggest the 16 oz bottle of SMOOTH in lemongrass and ylang ylang. Now these are gifts you can be proud to give, USDA certified organic and made in San Juan Capistrano CA.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Skin Refresher!

I just read a great blog on Healing Lifestyle and Spas about a DIY weekend detox. What a great idea for summer - clean out the cob webs and get your mind and body in line! With this cleanse or fast, you incorporate fruits and veggies, as well as hot lemon water to stimulate systems. Add dry brushing of the skin (always brush toward the heart) to increase circulation. In just 3 days your skin will look refreshed and renewed. This would be a great time to use SOAK in the bath, as well as our organic BATH OIL.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

New Blog! New Kimberly Parry Web Site!

We're merging into the wild world of the internet with a brand new website featuring our USDA certified organic products for skin, baby, men, and face. If you are looking for pure products without additives, fillers, preservatives (also known as parabens), we have the organics line you've been looking for. We're so sure you will love our products, we've designed the "Learn to Love It Kit" FOR ONLY $38! It gives you a chance to try our great daily facial products for ten days...CLEAN, TONE, MOISTURIZING SERUM, EYE SERUM, and a Free 1 oz. of SOFT for hands and feet.

Another area we are focusing on is expanding our line of organic products for babies and expectant moms. A recent study by the Environmental Working Group found an average of 200 industrial chemicals and pollutants in umbilical cord blood from 10 babies born in August and September of 2004 in U.S. hospitals. Tests revealed a total of 287 chemicals in the group. The umbilical cord blood of these 10 children, collected by Red Cross after the cord was cut, harbored pesticides, consumer product ingredients, and wastes from burning coal, gasoline, and garbage.

This information is just another reason why we need to be good to our bodies and especially good to our babies! Our line of products for babies and moms are made with all organic ingredients which you can feel good about - no fillers or chemicals.

We're not going to overlook the MEN! I've been busy formulating a new line of Kimberly Parry Organics for Men - just for guys, with essential oils and ingredients specific for men's skin. I think the guys will especially like our organic SHAVE with Cardamom and Fennel. It's a great foamy shaving lotion with moisturizing and reparative ingredients.

Just last week I was interviewed by Spa Magazine and they have a great post on their blog. Here's the link. Try the Garlic Experiment for yourself and let me know your thoughts.

We look forward to blogging here and keeping you up-to-date on all the latest news in the exciting Organic Skin Care and Body Care news!